Every body needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
–John Muir
There’s something about getting out and communing with nature that really helps you to connect a little more truthfully with yourself. Having a getaway or a special place to retreat to is important for many of us just to retain our sanity. Unfortunately, for most of the history of the United States, those types of places were reserved for the very rich.
These days, we are pretty lucky that we have parts of our country reserved for the public to visit. If you are really looking for the best views and most relaxing spots, you need do nothing more than spend a couple of dollars and put forth a little effort. You can see those places that most only see in postcards and, through the challenge of finding those places, you can find a little piece of yourself.
Our National Parks are a treasure that we should all take an opportunity to visit from time to time.
Throughout November, I’ll be posting about those things for which I am most thankful this year. Look for more of my Giving Thanks series all month long.
What are you giving thanks for this year? Leave a comment and share your story!
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