Without music, life would be a mistake.
–Frederic Nietzsche
In sixth grade, I started playing the alto saxophone. I played all the way through my junior year of high school and that experience colored my understanding of and appreciation for music. I listened to jazz, classical, oldies, even marches! I learned to love the various rhythms, melodies, beats, runs, and the sounds of the various instruments incorporated into each song. Sometimes, the pieces were very polished and orchestrated; other times, it felt like four buddies in a room just having a good time. No matter what I’m listening to, I find it all to easy to get lost in it.
Eventually, I settled on country music as the genre that I listen to every day. This form just tends to speak to me a little more than the others, but I still find myself listening to the instruments as much as the lyrics. I have found that my understanding and love of music shapes the way that I view the rest of the world around me.
My photography, my cooking, my relationships with people all affect me in much the same way as music. There is a peaceful rhythm to the world that is easy to get lost in, but that occasional sour note or too fast drum beat throws the whole thing into disarray and it can take a little time to put everything back into harmony.
Does music bring peace and harmony into your life?
Throughout November, I’ll be posting about those things for which I am most thankful this year. Look for more of my Giving Thanks series all month long.
What are you giving thanks for this year? Leave a comment and share your story!
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