What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?
-Anthony Bourdain
I love breakfast! I’m just going to get that out of the way right now. I love breakfast and almost every food that we tend to associate with breakfast. Throughout April, I’m going to focus on breakfast.
Breakfast has long been called the most important meal of the day. Study after study supports the notion that people who eat breakfast, on average, weigh less. Eating breakfast, these studies claim, helps to regulate your metabolism and keep you from snacking too much. Back in a time when more people worked the land, a big breakfast was necessary just to get you through. In fact, the saying goes, you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a pauper. Sounds like sage advice to me!
I grew up in the south, so, for me, breakfast means eggs, meat, biscuits, grits, and gravy. Since I grew up with those really gritty, not great grits, I haven’t been a big fan for quite a while. I’ve recently rediscovered grits and how to make them beautifully creamy. Topped with some cheese and a runny egg, I can really get into grits like that.
I will admit that I love, love, love breakfast meats. Given the choice between any number of breakfast meats, my answer is a resounding, “Yes, please!” Chicken fried steak is a particular weakness of mine. I am a self-professed connoisseur of biscuits and gravy and I’ll do just about anything for some runny eggs and toast.
That’s all just the savory side of breakfast in this country. On the sweeter side of breakfast, you have pancakes (another favorite), French toast, blueberry muffins…the list goes on and on. Then you can start to consider breakfast in other cultures and even thinking about breakfast for lunch or dinner.
This month, we’re going to delve into breakfast. We’re going to make sausage, have fun with bacon, and learn all about eggs. We’ll make some of those yummy sweet breakfasts and even incorporate a few ideas from other places. It’ll be lots of fun!
Throughout April, we’re talking about breakfast! What is your favorite breakfast food? Anything new that you’d like to try? Leave a comment and share your stories and suggestions!
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