It’s March 14, or 3/14. In other words, it’s Pi Day. Yes, I know I’m something of a dork, but I have always loved math and, being married to an engineer, math, and, more generally, STEM, are big parts of our household. With it being grain month, I thought about going to great lengths to create an oatmeal apple pie recipe, in fitting with the theme. After a little thought, though, I decided that it would be much more fun to make a pie with the kids, take some photos, and tell you all about it. The recipe can wait.
When I told the kids that they were going to get to help me make an apple pie, their faces all lit up! Kids just love to make things and, even more so, young kids love to do things with their parents. It’s so easy to give them that negative attention, telling them what they shouldn’t do, but opportunities like this reinforce great behavior and give them the attention that they really deserve.
Even better is that apple pie is something that they can largely do themselves. With the right tools, they can slice and peel the apples…
…though they might need a hand if the right tools fail.
…and pour them them into the pie shell.
Even little brother can get in there.
…and sprinkle it over the top.
Most importantly, they can have a bite and a great big smile! Pie just makes for great fun for the entire family.
What is your family doing for Pi Day? Make sure you take some time out for each other. Leave a comment and share your story.
Looks Yummy!