He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
–Immanuel Kant
I love my pets. Over the years they have brought me great comfort and joy. Mostly, they have brought me relaxation, helping me to cool off when I feel myself losing control.
I have three pets…2 cats and a dog. I can always tell when I’m starting to lose my temper because Buddy, our dog, will run and hide in the bedroom. When I go to find him, he looks up at me, letting me know just how big an ass I’ve been. Smokey is a pretty happy cat on the whole and has a way of reminding me that his needs are much more important than anything else that I might have to think about.
Snickers is the oldest of our little pet family. She was the first addition to our life as a couple after I got back from Iraq. She has taken to hiding most of the time since the kids were born, but she still comes out after the kids are in bed or when they are away at school. I think she makes it her mission to claim me and force me to slow down a little and find some time just to take it easy.
Somehow or another, your pets always seem to know just what you need and when you need it. I, for one, am thankful for that.
Throughout November, I’ll be posting about those things for which I am most thankful this year. Look for more of my Giving Thanks series all month long.
What are you giving thanks for this year? Leave a comment and share your story!
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